lauantai 14. elokuuta 2010

I thought I'd turn to the dark si..., er- I mean to English

Well I know, I know, I've been writing this blog very unactively during the past two years or so but I'll try to make things change. Also, all the previous texts in this blog have been in Finnish, not in English. Since I'm going to pursue my studies in English Philology, I might get some training doing as many things in English as possible.

I'm having a roleplaying session this morning, beginning in two hours from this moment. It's kinda table roleplaying D&D using the fourth edition rules(or was it the fifth...?). Anyway it will claim most of my day this sunday. I believe it will be great fun even though I might not have time for anything else today.

That's all from me now folks.
And don't forget to rock on,

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